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I can 100% say DO NOT CHOOSE QUESTRADE. I should also mention, I am in Canada so my options are VERY limited. I'm not going to give you a super bias  I decided to jump on the Questrade bandwagon and open an account, but first I wanted to try their practice account to see the interface etc. I open the practice  I'm looking at jumping in but doing due diligence beforehand, are there any “ dangers” to investing through a company like questrade? Any insight is greatly  我们的Questrade评论分享了为什么它对加拿大交易者来说是必须的,以及投资者 如何能够破坏他们的定价以获益。 Questrade提供兩種定價等級。他們的標準價格等級是“民主定價”。這一級別提供 4.95美元的股票交易(加上每股1美分至9.95  按照相关性顺序,它们是TD直接投资,RBC直接投资和Questrade。 根据环球邮报 对加拿大经纪人的在线评论,Questrade获得了A的总体印象,RBC Direct以A-排名 

Are there any alternatives with competitive fees for ETF purchases/sales? Questrade news is scary. 45 comments. share. save

Questrade Review Was told it's better to switch my TFSA from my savings (at my bank) to an investment account due to potentially higher returns in the long-term (e.g. couch portfolio). Have been a bit lazy but decided since it's getting close to the end of the year I needed to do something but was a bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stock An Honest Review of Questrade I've found reviews of Questrade to be quite polarised, so I thought I would take the time to write a quick and honest review of Questrade. I have been with them for around eight months, after moving all of my funds from RBC DI. Hey there, I recently decided to start investing with Questrade and I wired around 3500 CAD about 3 weeks ago. I knew about the 20$ Fee that is charged for funding via wire transfer but decided that it was negligible because it was a small fraction of the money that I was investing. I use Questrade to day/swing trade US stocks and I use WST for Canadian stocks. Taking into consideration the 2% fee at buy and sell (4% total) plus the regular buy sell fees which on the low end would be about 10$, you'd have to make a substantial profit on your trades in order to break even or even make decent money. Welcome to the official Questrade subreddit. We’re here to answer any questions, educate you about our new products and services, and talk all things trading and investing. Resources. Questrade: visit our website to find out more about us. The Exchange: our very own trading and investing community

I'm looking at jumping in but doing due diligence beforehand, are there any “ dangers” to investing through a company like questrade? Any insight is greatly 

情景1. 想象一下,你有 英镑50,000。. 你可以保留它或抓住机会。 有机会翻转硬币,如果你选择硬币的右侧,你就赢了一倍; 英镑100,000。 选择硬币的错误一面,你就失去了 英镑50,000。. 你会怎么做? 也许你已经听过这样的解释 所有新闻已经在图表中定价。 那么,这个解释不仅没有帮助,而且也是如此 不确实.. 当你想一会儿它也变得明显; 怎么可以 中央银行的政策 如果政策有,可以进入市场 刚刚被释放?. 此外,值得反思的是,为什么几乎每个机构交易公司都花费大量资金来尽快获得经济数据。 外汇税收。 外汇,加密货币和差价合约等交易市场的税收对许多人来说可能是一个令人困惑的话题。 对于那些感兴趣的人来说,它可能特别真实 外汇交易在南非,因为该部门仍然相对不为人知。. 主要原因是许多账户都在海外,南非税务局无法核实投机收入; 大多数交易员宁愿不退出南非银行。 【本文首发于2015年11月1日】Scotiabank Gold AmEx:在加拿大除了AmEx以外,Scotiabank是唯一的一家发行AmEx信用卡的银行。这张卡就是Scotiabank目前的主力中高端旅行信用卡,年费$120(副卡年费$29)。Scotiaban

【本文首发于2015年11月1日】Scotiabank Gold AmEx:在加拿大除了AmEx以外,Scotiabank是唯一的一家发行AmEx信用卡的银行。这张卡就是Scotiabank目前的主力中高端旅行信用卡,年费$120(副卡年费$29)。Scotiaban

Welcome to the official Questrade subreddit. We’re here to answer any questions, educate you about our new products and services, and talk all things trading and investing. Resources. Questrade: visit our website to find out more about us. The Exchange: our very own trading and investing community Being a frequent reader of Reddit’s Canadian Investor, Personal Finance Canada and RedFlagDeals Investing, I always see the same question… “Who is the best Canadian brokerage?” I decided to write a complete Questrade Review to let you and all Canadians know why, in my case (and many others), Questrade is the best Canadian brokerage and winner of our Best Canadian Brokerage Award. Contacting chat support. Agent is telling me Questrade will get back to me in 2 to 4 business days. Beginning of May: 15 business days later, still no communication from Questrade, posting this reddit thread. Questrade subreddit moderator telling me I'll be contacted soon. June: Still wasn't contacted by Questrade customer support. Hi kraiseson, The interest rate we charge on borrowed money is 6.2% for Canadian Dollars and 7.00% for USD dollars. This is the annual rate, but interest is billed in the middle of each month. --加泰证券(Questrade) 是总部设立于加拿大,服务全球客户的加拿大证券经纪公司, 可以为加拿大,中国大陆,台湾,香港,及全球其他地区客户提供 外汇, 黄金, 美加股票和期权交易服务, 其在中国大陆合作伙伴为资深金融公司:中国深圳天成投资公司。加泰证券(Questrade)是唯一提供中英文双语交易 Questrade, Inc. is a registered investment dealer, a member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) and a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF), the benefits of which are limited to the activities undertaken by Questrade, Inc. QWM is not a member of IIROC or the CIPF. can i export my trade history from trading platform with eternal? 发表评论 阅读全文

根据环球邮报对加拿大经纪人的在线评论,Questrade获得了A的总体印象,RBC Direct以A-排名第二,TD Direct以B +排名第二。 虽然排名可能看起来很低,但将其与获得B-的Scotia iTrade相比较,这得益于其糟糕的客户,服务,过时的网络客户端以及缺乏有竞争力的价格。

根据环球邮报对加拿大经纪人的在线评论,Questrade获得了A的总体印象,RBC Direct以A-排名第二,TD Direct以B +排名第二。 虽然排名可能看起来很低,但将其与获得B-的Scotia iTrade相比较,这得益于其糟糕的客户,服务,过时的网络客户端以及缺乏有竞争力的价格。 外汇交易在南非| 南非最受欢迎的经纪人 - 外汇排名